

The business case informs the 01MWe Engineering funding team, who develops the most appropriate funding structure for each project on a case by case basis. Energy efficiency and alternative energy projects can be implemented with zero capital investment by the client. This can lead to no upfront cost as 01MWe implement all energy savings, improvement, sustainability energy at their cost on the customers premises for the duration of the contract period.

Where 01MWe Engineering provide project funding, we also support and maintain our solutions. This effectively means that the technology and performance risk of an energy project transfers from our clients to us. Because 01MWe Engineering also support and maintain our funded solutions, the project savings are the result of energy generation (Heating, Cooling and Power) together with energy efficiency and reduced (or avoided) maintenance cost. Our clients save from day one.

Due to cost and added service provided 01MWe Engineering typically enter in 15 year supply agreements with typically a ceiling of our cost below that of the local authority/Eskom.
This sustainability-through-outsourcing model is gaining traction as customer benefit from the synthesis of financial and technology innovations. The Energy-as-a-Service (EaaS) approach allows businesses to shift energy from a capital expense – one in which they must buy, own, maintain and depreciate assets – to an operational expense, where they secure the energy they need with fewer uncertainties. Prices are known and locked in.